
The choice of colors when creating a logo and the importance of colour.

The choice of colors when creating a logo and the importance of colour.

In the process of creating a logo, one of the important stages is the choice of colour. According to statistics, the first thing a buyer pays attention to is the logo's colour, and in 60% of cases, this factor influences his choice. By paying attention to the meanings and unique aura of each color, you can create the perfect logo for yourself. The presented article contains interesting information about colours for you.

1. Color meanings and impact on the client.

1.1. Red.

Red colour is primarily strength, youth, confidence, speed. Due to its strong effect on the human nervous system, red is used for dynamics or to quickly attract the client’s attention. Fast food outlets, gyms or energy drinks - red is most often used in these areas.

1.2. Black.

Black is an indicator of luxury, sophistication and quality. Typically, brands that prefer black in their logos are aimed at an audience that values ​​luxury and sophistication. Most often, black is used with black, creating a monochrome picture.


Purity, innocence and freshness are concepts associated with this colour. Being a neutral colour, it is usually used as a background to highlight other colours. Technology companies, healthcare and luxury brands usually prefer white.


Happiness, optimism, joy are signs that characterize the color yellow. Like red, it also calls the client to action and is used in the children's services, food and automotive industries. It is no coincidence that the large fast food chain McDonald's used red and yellow in creating its logo, colours that call the client to action and dynamics.


Green is an indicator of harmony, balance, calmness and health. If you want to make your logo light but not busy, then green as a neutral colour is an excellent choice for you. Medicine, eco-products and cosmetology are areas in which green is used most often.


Although blue is a cool colour, it calms, clarifies thoughts and acts as a symbol of confidence. Finance, legal, technology and banking services are the areas where this light is most often preferred. If your main goal is to gain the client's trust, be sure to use blue.

2. Colour combinations.

Logos consisting of several elements usually combine several colours that must match each other. In color science, such concepts as “cold-hot” colours will help you choose colours that combine with each other. Also, in the public domain, there are colour combination schemes that will help you in choosing them.

Based on the information presented above, it can be clearly understood that colours, even without us realizing it, affect us and our psychology. By keeping all the information presented in mind, you will be at your best and will be able to create the perfect logo for you.

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Gülər Rəhimli

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