
AIOps: application in IT

AIOps: application in IT

We have all heard about artificial intelligence (AI) and its growing role in our daily lives: in everyday life, on social networks, in school, and ChatGPT has already become a favorite assistant for many. Artificial intelligence has not bypassed the IT sector and is widely used there. Let's find out what AIOps is and whether it's worth introducing into your work life.

AIOps stands for “Artificial Intelligence for IT operations,” .This term refers to processes where AI is used to automate IT operations and their maintenance. It is worth considering what the significance of AI is when viewed in this light.

• High efficiency

Thanks to the use of AI, for example, it is possible to quickly obtain actionable data from a database without the help of several employees. Thus, experts using AIOps solutions resolve data issues simply by complementing teams. At the same time, using AI, experts can spend more time on unique and complex problems and errors than on ordinary and mundane problems that can be solved by AI.

• Reduced time spent

The AIOps system widely analyzes data, and thus can promptly identify possible problems in the system and indicate their causes. Thus, it is possible to predict serious problems in the system and take timely measures to solve them.

• Anticipation of system errors and forecast

Using AIOps, system errors can be predicted. The system itself does this using ML (machine learning). MO analyzes a large amount of data and derives patterns (due to their volume, they cannot be detected by humans). Employees can detect this in time and use data processing in real time.

• Optimization of IT operations

Every day, employees in this field work with large databases every day. To speed up some simple processes, AI systems are used. Thus, some processes are automated, and you can shift the focus of employees from simple tasks to more complex ones and save time.

• Cloud systems

With the introduction of AIOps, cloud systems become more autonomous and the human role in the process itself is minimized. Due to the autonomous nature of cloud storage, the main operations are carried out by AI, and only at each level some tasks remain the responsibility of humans. Thus, employees do not have to worry about the complex movements of data on the network and easily manage them in different cloud storages. It should be noted that AIOps has a strong point - enhancing the security of the cloud system and data. Speaking of forecasts, this is also applied in the context of cloud storage, where any errors and dangers can be immediately noticed by the AI.

•            Application Development

During the early stages of application development, programmers often use this system to detect errors in code. Thus, they can automate code review, identify errors and create a high-quality product.

You can also come across a similar concept: DevOps - this is a software development methodology that automates work processes, including development and support. It is most of all a system for improving the quality of work and efficiency, like AIOps (but AIOps is more about AI). DevOps professionals also use AIOps to save time and evaluate program quality.

Having considered the possible areas of application of AIOps in the process of work, it can be understood that the main advantages of this system are lower labor costs, saving time and improving the security of the internal system. Thus, by implementing it, you can get significant benefits and make your work easier.

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Gülər Rəhimli

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