
The ChatGPT phenomenon

The ChatGPT phenomenon

We have all heard about this neural network, which is gaining more and more popularity every day. But many are wary of it and have not yet tried it. Let's look at the most popular questions about ChatGPT and try to answer them.

• What is ChatGPT?

First of all, let's look at the decoding: GPT-Generative Pre-trained Transformer, or rather generating a pre-trained transformer. First of all, this is an AI-based bot and exists in the form of a chat. Thanks to the dialogue format, the bot answers everything in simple language, supposedly acting as an interlocutor. You can talk to him, ask questions, ask him to write something - the neural network will answer all this in simple human language, and at the same time you can ask him to answer more simply.

This neural network answers questions using publicly available information: from the Internet, books, magazines, and so on. Thus, for example, by asking a question you will receive a generalized answer that will contain all the main points.

• Can ChatGPT be trusted?

This question is of interest to many who are afraid of this neural network. The developers themselves advise not to trust confidential information to the neural network, because it stores everything in memory. For example, at the end of a dialogue with a bot, if you ask it about the beginning of the dialogue, then it will certainly remember. Therefore, you still shouldn’t trust him with too much personal information. And in practice, there was a case when a user was accidentally shown a chat with another person, this error, of course, was corrected as a result, but still, you should be careful. If you ask the bot about some questions with the content of a crime, then it will most likely answer that it works to maintain good in the world, and will not answer it. The developers also aimed for the bot to be as tolerant as possible, so that you will not receive a negative answer to questions on these topics.

• How can I use this bot?

ChatGPT can be widely used in many contexts. For example, you can ask him to tell you about some historical phenomenon, or ask him to write a mini essay on this topic. It can translate texts, shorten and paraphrase them, create pictures of different contents, write simple codes and many different functions. But it does not always perform all functions at high quality. For example, when translating texts, you can encounter errors; he does not answer all questions correctly; he usually gives too general answers, devoid of specifics. Therefore, you should not completely trust the bot and verify the information.

• Is ChatGPT dangerous?                            

Although the bot itself is harmless, it can be used for bad purposes. For example, hackers may ask you to write malicious code, or scammers may use it for phishing. So in the context of cybersecurity, you need to be careful with this bot. Also, taking into account the fact that the neural network takes information from the public domain, the information can often be biased or deliberately disseminated by attackers. You should also not exclude the possibility of data leakage into the network.

• What professions can this bot replace?

ChatGPT answers the question itself as follows: data analytics and machine learning; financial analysis and forecasting; medical diagnostics; customer service and chatbots; manufacturing and robotics; automation of application software testing; content marketing and content personalization; transport and logistics; market forecasting trends and investments; risk management and data security.  He also answers that he cannot replace professions in the field of medicine, education, creativity, and psychology.

These were the answers to the most common questions about this bot. It can be a good assistant, so don’t be afraid to use it.

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Gülər Rəhimli

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