
"Cookies" files: what are they?

When we visit websites every day, we may see a pop-up window that says that by accepting cookies, we agree to the terms of use. Most often we accept this request and move on. But what are these files, which can be found on almost any website?

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your device. These text files contain information about your visit to the site and actions on it. For example, information about passwords, preferences, settings - all this is stored on the device. This data is created for each visitor separately, your ID is saved, and the next time you visit the site when you connect to the server, your ID is recognized and information is displayed taking into account your previous visits to the same site.

Websites typically use one of three types of cookies:

Websites typically use one of 3 types of cookies:

1. Session - as the name suggests, these cookies are stored until the user closes the browser. These cookies are used for session management and are deleted immediately after closing the browser.

2. Permanent - these files are stored on the device for a certain time or until the user deletes them. They are usually used to prevent the user from re-entering information when visiting the site again.

3. Third-party cookies are files not of the site itself, but of third-party services. For example, advertising services may use them to track your information and display advertisements based on your actions.

There are several purposes that can be tracked when using cookies.

1. Session management.

When you visit the site again, there will be no need to re-enter your data, because it will already be saved on your device. Thus, the site already recognizes you: data, passwords, preferences. And based on existing information, it already presents you with certain information, advertising, etc.

2. Personalization.

Saving your personal information, preferences, such as languages, advertising - all this also applies to the main issues. By personalizing information about each visitor, it is easier to match the interests of each of them, ensuring their interest.

3. Analytics.

By observing your actions on the site, such as visiting certain pages and the time spent there, statistics can be created that will contribute to improvements to the site, such as content and user experience.

4. Advertising.

As mentioned above, advertising services, observing your preferences, present you with this or that advertisement that might interest you.

These files definitely have advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include simplified session management, site visits, improved user experience, better understanding of your preferences, and ongoing analysis of visitor behavior by the site itself, which can use the information to make improvements. But also, given the existence of third-party cookies, your data can be tracked without your knowledge and create a certain danger. When visiting the site, we may or may not accept cookies, which complies with the privacy rules of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

As mentioned, you can choose to accept or not accept cookies. Let's look at what actions you can perform with them. First of all, you can delete cookies at any time through your browser settings. You can also enable blocking of all cookies or third party cookies. You can also configure the management of cookies for specific sites, for example, to allow or block their use only on certain sites.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that cookies play an important role in the convenient use of websites in our time. Using this system creates many advantages both for users and for site creators. But you should be careful in terms of privacy and know how to manage files for maximum security.

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Gülər Rəhimli

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