
The role of cybersecurity in our lives

The role of cybersecurity in our lives

The Internet plays a huge role in the lives of modern people. Our gadgets store a huge amount of our personal information, including bank card data and so on. To protect our data and ensure safety online, there is such an area as cybersecurity. Specialists in this field ensure data security and try to prevent information crimes. Let's learn more about this area.

First, let's look at the main goals of this area.


In this area, we mainly ensure the security of networks, software (software), gadgets, databases and other sources that contain information that can be used for blackmail or for other purposes. Very often, large companies are attacked by this type of attack and lose a huge amount of information. Stolen information can be used to sell to competitors, or leaked online. Cyber ​​attacks are a real threat to companies given the impact on their reputation. Therefore, specialists in this field are necessarily hired to build strong data protection and identify gaps in the security system.

• Detect hazards and the ability to prevent them

At any moment, an incident may occur that could result in a threat to user accounts. The goal of cybersecurity is to notice suspicious actions of an account or a bot in time and prevent them in time. For example, precautionary measures include temporarily blocking an account or providing limited access to it.

•Data protection

User data (for example, phone number, email, account password) must always be protected and accessible to the user. The account should not be lost for him, so good protection (for example two-factor authentication, etc.) should be provided for the user.

• Employee awareness

All employees who deal with the network or data at work should be aware of basic security rules. For example, connecting to company software via a public WI-FI network can pose a danger to data and create conditions for an attack. Or clicking on unknown links through a work account. To prevent these incidents, employees must have basic knowledge of cybersecurity.

How can we protect ourselves from cyber dangers?

• First of all, do not click on suspicious links, especially if they were sent by unknown persons. Do not download files with suspicious content from unverified sites or messages.

• Create strong, complex passwords consisting of many symbols, signs, numbers, etc.

• Enable two-factor authentication.

• Do not click on suspicious SMS, especially those supposedly sent from banks or government agencies.

• Download proven antivirus programs.

• Periodically create a backup copy of your data so that if it is lost, there is a chance of recovery.

• Do not publicly share your personal data, account passwords, information about bank accounts, etc. on social networks.

Each of us can face a cyber threat these days. By taking proper precautions and preparing ahead of time, we can protect ourselves from cyber attacks and protect our data.

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Gülər Rəhimli

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